Discovering real talent
Our Mission
Our mission is to inform young and senior potentials of the life sciences and chemical section about the job market and its possibilities. In addition, TQ matches intrinsic interests and talents with concrete job opportunities. In doing so, TQ tries to create a better flow towards the job market.
“Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.”
In addition to the usual screening based on a CV and background check, TalentQuest likes to go the extra mile. That way we find the candidate who on the basis of their talents truly and completely fits the job content and will hence find real satisfaction in their job, because pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
“There is nothing wrong with being a beginner. No one starts at the top…”
Colleges and universities are already making great efforts to prepare students for the job market. TQ acts as a partner in this endeavour and gives further support by
- Informing graduating students by means of lectures
- Offering expertise: the lecturer is always someone from the field with an appropriate background and relevant experience in the domain concerned
- Providing follow-up: graduating students can always call on our experts with questions about the job market
- Neutrality: TalentQuest offers students multiple, relevant recruitment channels
- Optimisation: by offering various job opportunities and different recruitment channels the graduating student has a maximum chance of finding the appropriate job
“Talents can’t be taught, but they can be awakened.”
We inform you about various job opportunities within the life sciences and chemistry but we also go the extra mile. We not only take your degrees and experience into account, but most certainly also your talents and intrinsic motivation. In doing so, together we will find you the right job.
Our team
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Jan Roosen : From my own experience, I quickly realized the added value of relevant insights on the job market. Thanks to my training as a PE teacher I was able to start a career in the medical sector for instance. By connecting the right insights to intrinsic motivation and talents, you will more quickly make the right choices with regard to your professional career. Universities that are already making efforts to inform graduating students today find a compatible partner in TalentQuest. We optimise this service by providing graduating students, in an unbiased way, with the most complete and most appropriate expertise.
Kristien Ooms : With a master in pharmaceutical sciences and my many years of experience as manager of a pharmacy/pharmacist, I am very much in touch with the world of pharmacy and life sciences in general. The scientific sector evolves constantly, which is why it is such a fascinating sector. Combined with my interest in people as such, it is always a beautiful challenge to find people the perfect match.
Brecht Moerenhout : Through experience in the health care sector from various perspectives (independent retail pharmacist, QP in the pharmaceutical industry & involvement in research projects) I can vouch for the diversity of professional opportunities in life sciences. Trial & error has taught me that - while flexibility and learning are primordial in the quest for a suitable career - you cannot fit a square peg in a round hole so it is a good idea to try to find a job that matches your personality, natural aptitudes & interests.
Maryse Wuyts: As a psychologist I would like to -- together with you --look for your (core) talents, what motivates you and how you can match those talents with your dream job. I do this by means of individual coaching in an enthusiastic and motivating way. I am a clinical psychologist, guide students in higher education, and started my private practice in 2019.
Lieselot De Tant : Finding the right job isn't only about your skills. It's about discovering who you are and what you expect from your career. As a career coach, I guide ambitious people to find their true purpose in their careers and life. My own experience as a pharmacist in retail pharmacy, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry in the Marketing and Medical Department is a huge advantage in the search for opportunities for possible candidates in the life sciences sector."
"Striving for excellence motivates you, striving for perfection is demoralizing"
Frederik Meynen : After studying Biochemistry and Biotechnology I decided to take a different route. I am now an entrepreneur and have a webshop for everything that is garden-related. Although biochemistry and gardening are two very different subjects, I still use the skills I learned during my time at university daily. Choosing your own path can be difficult and challenging but is also very rewarding and a good learning experience..
Contact TalentQuest
Get in touch with us if you have any questions. We will respond as soon as possible.